• 2021. 5. 4.

    by. e.n_bbu


    1. rumble: make a continuous deep/resonant sound

    2. rustle: make a soft

    3. dash: run and travel / somewhere in a great hurry

    4. slid: slide의 과거형 (slide - slid - slid) : move smoothly along a surface while maintaining

    5. faithful : 충실한,충직한, 신의있는 (loyal)

    6. sturdy: a person or their body strongly and solidly built

    7. steady: firmly fixed

    8. apiary: a place where bees are kept 

    9. plantation: a place that is planted or under cultivation

    10. downpour: a heavy fall of rain 폭우

    11. ransom: a sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive

    12. seize: to take hold of suddenly or forcibly grasp  

    -> to seize a weapon / to grasp mentally understand clearly

    13. plunge: to cast / thrust forcibly or suddenly into something

    14. descend: to go or pass from higher to a lowplace

    --> climb down along go or climb down (stair, a hill)

    15. retire: ~competition /study/bed

    16.grant: to bestow or confer especially by a formal act 

    --> to grant a charter 

    I grant a request, I grant that point  ( agree / admit)



