프래그매틱 - Pragmatic
http://aha-dic.com/View.asp?Word=pragmatic [아하사전] pragmatic - 한글발음 [프래그매틱], 뜻 : 쓸데없이 참견하는, 독단적인, 실용주의의, 실 쓸데없이 참견하는, 독단적인, 실용주의의, 실제적인, 활동적인 aha-dic.com 쓸데없이 참견하는, 독단적인, 실용주의의, 실제적인, 활동적인예문While relations have cooled considerably between the United States and Venezuela, President Vasquez, like President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil, are regarded as pragmatic left-of-center leaders with wh..